It’s been a long time since we’ve done an Indian wedding. And the truth is, we’ve missed the culture. The dancing, drumming, colored gowns, and that amazing bond of family. It makes our job very easy. Priya and Veeral’s wedding in Rochester, NY was perfectly in line with what you’d expect from a huge Indian wedding. Every second was gorgeous – from the parade through the streets to the traditional ceremony. Have a look and get ready to smile.
Priya and Veeral are like the coolest couple. They mention it in the video, but Priya has this great energy about her. Being on West Coast time and having an 8AM shoot on the East Coast can be rough. But the second we met up with Priya, it was all good. Her enthusiasm and excitement are contagious and woke us right up. Veeral, by contrast, is a really chill guy. I guess the best way to say it is “collected.” He’s extremely well spoken and is probably one of the most charismatic folks I’ve ever met. When you see the two of them together, you really get how right they are for each other.
Also, gotta mention how stylish they both looked. Veeral, being the President of J. Hilburn, one of my favorite men’s fashion brands, knows what it means to look sharp. And there isn’t any disagreement, Priya definitely looked like a princess in her various dresses, bangles, and jewels.
My favorite moment was at their Sangeet. It’s the party where the families rejoice and spend time together before the wedding. One of the most impressive parts is how the families actually perform choreographed dances for each other. I loved how when all the families were done, Priya got up in front of everyone alone and started a beautiful dance solo. Then, to everybody’s surprise, Veeral hopped on the dance floor and the two of them went into a choreographed dance. The whole room went wild.
I can’t believe how lucky we were to be a part of this multiple day event. By spending all this time with Priya, Veeral, and their families, we really got to know each other. In fact, there’s some footage of me getting Indian dance lessons from some folks in the wedding party. Another awesome experience I won’t forget, and neither will they.
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