I love San Francisco weddings. It’s probably because no matter where you go in the City, you’re surrounded by classically vintage architecture. Well, Dan and Danielle’s wedding day took place in some seriously awesome locations. Have a look for yourself…
There is one part in this film that affects me every time. It’s the shot through the doorway of Danielle’s father taking photos of his family. Something about seeing the whole family there, helping Danielle get her dress on, from the point of view of someone looking around a corner, really hits me. It’s such a genuine moment where we are literally looking in on a family celebrating.
The ceremony was at the Greek Orthodox Church in San Francisco; and let me tell you… walking in there was like walking into an explosion of cinematic-ness. I mean, I was a billion percent blown away by the craftsmanship that went into designing and building that church. We spent a good amount of time collecting footage of the location itself, because we really just HAD to.
Danielle and Dan’s reception was at the prestigious Olympic Club and was divided up into two main rooms. The dance room was beautiful, with gorgeous skylights and a live band that rocked the house. The dining room was lit mainly by candlelight, and all of the flickering looks pretty spectacular on video.
We also had the opportunity of shooting with the fabulous Ashley Maxwell whose passion for creating beautiful images is always inspiring. We can’t wait to put together Dan and Danielle’s wedding featurette. Cheers!
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